
Saturday, 28 November 2015

NEWS: Forget Fitbit, track your fitness using a TATTOO: Flexible circuits worn on the skin monitor heart rate, stress levels and more

This piece of news was written by Gian Volpicelli for the Daily Mail online newspaper on the 27th November of 2015.

The news is about Tech Tats, a new technology developed by a Texan company callled Chaotic Moon. This wearables' function is to track heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, stress levels... They can do this with their biometrical sensors that are connected to the skin through the tattoo. Tech Tats are made with electrically conductive paint with LED lights and also include the biometrical sensors and a controller. One of its advantages in front of fitness trackers such as FitBit is that they can be worn in any part of the body, as they blend with the skin perfectly. The Tech Tats last for a year.

Chaotic Moon has also said that these device could also be used as a location tracking system for children, for military operations or to keep ID and bank account information (this would allow us to pay for things with our Tech Tat). More over, they can connect via Bluetooth with a smartphone.

Personally, I think that this device can be a little bit problematic, specially with the bank account and tracking system functions it has (would it only be used by parents to track their children?). The good thing about them is that they can warn you when something is wrong with your vital signs and, for example, send a notification to your smartphone if it's connected with it. That way we'd know when something is wrong. The other plus it has is that they are temporary, so if you want to make them disappear you can. Regardless of my personal opinion, I think that it's quite a step forward in technology. 


unwieldy: used, handled, or managed with difficulty because of size, shape, weight, or complexity.

to keep tab(s) on something: to keep a watch over something.

track: to follow the course of something.

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