
Sunday, 1 March 2015

YOUR SAY: Stop the tape and rewind

Have you ever had that strange feeling that you've already lived a situation before? If the answer is yes, you've suffered what is commonly known as déjà-vu, a French word that means "already seen". It's a feeling of familiarity that you get towards a situation that you haven't lived yet. It's a very usual sensation (70% of the population has déjà-vus), but scientists haven't found an explanation for this phenomenon yet. 

Dr. Arthur Funkhouser, a Swiss psychiatrist, has classified the déjà-vu in three types:

-The déjà vecu, the sensation of having already lived a situation, including people, details, places...

-Déjà visite, the familiarity with one location, place or object.

-And déjà senti, which focuses in the senses, such as remembering a smell or a feeling.

Many scientists think that it is a paramnesia of our brain, a false recall caused by a lapsus in the storage area of our brain. Others, mostly parapsychiatrists, think that déjà-vus are memories of a past life. According to this explanation, the very same situation or a very similar one happened then, and we get the feeling of familiarity after having died in that past existence and come to our life.

A déjà-vu and your brain's reaction

Personally, I think that déjà-vu is a very strange and interesting phenomenon. I've had many déjà-vus and they always come with a really strong sensation of familiarity, as if I knew what will happen next, what will someone say... I myself am not able to give this phenomenon any explanation, but I've always thought that scientists should study it more. The explanation of the past life is very thrilling and weird for me, and a bit creepy as well. Are déjà-vus a memory of another life? If that was true it would change the way we think about a lot of things, right? It would mean that reincarnation is true. But let's wait until scientists really find an explanation to it.

Memories of a past life?

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